让客户高兴的商务谈判技巧, 实用商务英语之谈判技巧。
Whether or not we know it or like it, customer service is a great part of everyone’s life. Even if one does not own a business or provide services to others, we are constantly selling ourselves into whatever it is that we want to pursue.
Truly successful people are master manipulators in their field; at least that’s what most people would attest to. They sit and strategize for hours, plotting their way to their clients’ satisfaction. If success is a function of manipulation, then what is manipulation, anyway? A warm smile? An occasional joke? Making a client feel that his or her needs are important? That may be manipulation in its own right, but we may just as easily conclude that those are all merely attempts to create lasting and fulfilling relationships with clients.
真正成功的人在自己的领 域都是个操盘手,至少大部分人都证明是如此。他们坐在那里策划数小时,只为谋划如何让顾客满意的方法。如果成功是可操纵的,那操作方法是什么样的呢,到 底?一个温暖的微笑?一个应景的笑话?又或许是让客户感到他或她的需求受到重视?可能就在于操纵过程本身,但我们或许能轻松地归结出:那些仅仅是希望与客 户建立持久和实质性关系的尝试而已。
Unfortunately, we tend to embrace the bad manipulation as much as we do the good. This can mean twisting the truth, delivering below reasonable expectations, and selling out to something outside of our personal values. Fortunately, many people can see through this. (veduchina.com)
What are you left with when you remove the white lies, evil tactics, and unethical behavior? The answer is — real tactics that work. If you manipulate without performance, you will not only loose the clients that you already have, but you will relieve yourself of those potential clients that supportive and satisfied clients refer. (veduchina.com)
不利用那些无恶意的小谎言,鬼伎俩和不道德的行为,我们还剩什么呢?答案就是--- 真正管用的战术。如果你只会.
- 上一篇:增值税特殊情况的会计处理
- 下一篇:巧用关键字,客户询盘不断